Philippine Christian University

PCU Graduate School 81st Commencement Exercises

发表时间:2023-03-13 15:48作者:菲律宾克里斯汀大学中国办事处来源:菲律宾克里斯汀大学中国办事处网址:http://www.pcuph.com


“Potential leaders must have the ability to learn how to learn.” - Dr. Carlito Puno, Honorable Guest Speaker,   PCU’s 4th University President

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!


Despite the challenges that you have faced, you have persevered and made it to this moment. Your graduation marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, filled with opportunities and endless possibilities. Because you faced the unknown with bravery and finished with grace and wisdom that broadened your horizons, you are a beacon of hope for younger generations who are unsure whether to pursue their dreams or stay in their comfort zone.

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To the parents, family, and friends who have supported these graduates along the way, we thank you for your unwavering love and encouragement. You have played an important role in helping them reach this moment, and we know that they appreciate everything you have done for them.

You have made it, and the world is waiting for you.

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菲律宾克里斯汀大学供图 供稿